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How to Create a Quiz Landing Page to Engage Users? (5 minutes read)

Want to improve your online presence with a powerful quiz landing page? A quiz landing page can be made for SEO purposes to capture organic leads and generate more traffic. These landing pages can also be linked to paid ad campaigns where a user clicks on the ad and lands on the particular landing page. 

Quiz and Survey Master is a WordPress quiz plugin that lets you create amazing and beautiful quizzes with just a few touches. It has amazing features that will make your quiz highly customizable. Using template variables, you can even personalize your quiz to make it more interesting. 

Read this blog to learn about the quiz landing page and why it is important. 

What Is a Quiz Landing Page?

A quiz landing page is a dedicated page to the quiz. You land on a quiz landing page when you click on a link and all the distracting elements like menus and other content are not seen. It is a standalone page to make users concentrate on the quiz only.

What is the Purpose of a Quiz Landing Page?

A landing page, as you may know, is a web page that is focused on a single goal. To persuade visitors to take a specific action. We hope that visitors will book a demo for one of our quizzes or surveys.

Since you’ve chosen to read this, the most likely action you want visitors to your website to take is… to take your quiz. As a result, the primary goal of that landing page is to motivate and activate the visitor to do so. But what makes an excellent quiz landing page? You’ll find out at the end of the article.

Advantages of Using a Quiz Landing Page

Here are some advantages of using a quiz landing page for your quizzes and surveys:

1. It Supports Your Business Goal

A quiz landing page helps you reach a new audience, promote products, and get more sales. It encourages people to take actions like signing up for your mailing list, providing contact information, subscribing to a newsletter, making a purchase, or just requesting a consultation. 

2. Increases Conversions

Just like your website, a good landing page influences visitors to take action. It sets a clear call-to-action for users and makes it as easy as possible to take action. As a result, with a good landing page, you will see a greater number of actions as well as conversions on your page. 

3. Generates Data Insights

When you link your landing page to some campaign or some piece of content, you can see which content is bringing in the most leads. Through the landing page, you can track users’ behaviors which can produce valuable insights. In addition to that, when you add a quiz to the landing page, you can use the information collected by the quiz in learning more about your visitors, such as their choices, likes, and dislikes. 

4. Improves Paid Search Campaigns

A good campaign depends on the click-through rates and click-through rates depend on how good is your landing page. From the landing page, you can generate more leads than directing people to the home page. A landing page designed for a campaign will bring people to one web page and people can only find information that they are interested in. 

5. Grows Email List

Landing pages are usually used for lead generation. Having a contact form will help you generate more leads and will help you engage users with your content. There can be an “opt-in” button where someone asks to receive emails and offers from your site. If they say yes to that, you can send them emails, newsletters, sales, and promotions.

Benefits of a Quiz Landing Page
Benefits of a Quiz Landing Page

6. Increases Credibility

Since the landing page is focused on one particular thing like a task or an objective, you can optimize your content on the landing page. When your users feel that the course of the task is clear and you are helping them to achieve the course of action, they recognize that you understand your problem and put thought into creating a good action. This way, a good landing page, increases your credibility. 

7. Improves Brand Awareness

A quiz landing page also helps in improving brand awareness. While designing it is important to keep the style, look, feel, and copy consistent with the content that links. This will enhance the consistency of branding across multiple forms of media. When someone comes to your landing page, they will be more familiar with your brand awareness and will recognize your brand again. 

How QSM Can Help You in Making an Engaging Landing Page?

Quiz and Survey Master is a WordPress quiz plugin that helps you in creating amazing quizzes for your website. It is a highly customizable plugin. This quiz maker has various useful features to optimize your quiz. For a quiz landing page, it has a special addon called “Landing Page”. 

This add-on allows you to display your quiz on a landing page. By this, your quizzes and surveys can have their standalone page. This will bring all the focus on your quiz and survey and will hide all the disturbing menus and themes, which is a plus. Click on “Demo”, to get a demo and know more about its works.

Once you purchase the QSM landing page addon and enter the license key, you will see a “Landing Page” tab in the QSM interface. Check yes, to enable the landing page quiz or survey. Use the shortcode, to add a link to this landing page within the parts of your website.  

How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?

Here are the steps to create a landing page for quizzes using the QSM plugin:

Step 1: Create a Quiz

The first step is to create a quiz for your website. Creating a quiz with the QSM plugin is easy and does not require any coding. You can easily customize different tabs like the questions tab, results page tab and likewise to make an attractive quiz.

How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?
How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?

Step 2: Enable the Quiz Landing Page

When creating a landing page for quizzes, you have to configure the Landing Page Addon by QSM. This Addon helps your quizzes to get a face-value by providing them a landing page. Landing pages are important because they centralize the user’s attention to your quiz.

How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?
How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?

Step 3: Publish the Quiz

After enabling and configuring your quiz, you can simply publish or embed your quiz in a post/page. Once you enable the landing page, you can preview and check for its workability. Even if the quiz is embedded in a post, it will open up in a new clean screen with just the quiz.

Without the landing page enabled, your quiz will be seen as shown below:

How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?
How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?

But when you enable the landing page, only the quiz will be shown. All the other elements of the website will be hidden and all focus will be completely on the quiz.

How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?
How to Create a Quiz Landing Page with QSM?

Tips and Takeaways

Benefits of a Quiz Landing Page
Benefits of a Landing Page
  1. Clear goal: Define your goal and pinpoint what you want your quiz landing page to achieve. 
  2. Visual hierarchy: Be clear about the things you want to highlight and make them stand out
  3. Amazing copy: Create a copy that tells a story. A good copy of the quiz landing page helps you engage your audience effectively. 
  4. Relevant graphics: Set a good vibe for your visitors with impactful visuals. 
  5. Highlight the value: Add a proper CTA that convenience people that you are adding some value through your quiz landing page. 
  6. Align your objectives: It’s essential to match the CTAs on landing pages with marketing ad campaigns. Make sure your landing page explicitly links to this consequence if your site’s adverts and pages talk about accomplishing a particular goal or getting a great deal on certain products.
  7. Keep it simple: The purpose of your landing page is to encourage user action, which necessitates simplicity. To increase conversions, use the fewest number of form fields possible and clearly explain each stage of the process to visitors.
  8. Test it out: until you test something, you won’t know if it works. And test it once again. By putting your CTAs and landing page copy live and monitoring the results, you can test them. Keep track of the leads generated, then adjust your page and try again to determine what exactly works.
  9. Design with impact: Pictures are worth a thousand words. Use vibrant backgrounds and pertinent graphics to make your argument without taking up too much space on the page.
  10. Get social: User reviews are a terrific method to promote organic interest on your landing page; just make sure they are updated frequently.


How do I create a quiz page in WordPress?

You can create a quiz page in wordpress using the Quiz and Survey Master plugin. With this plugin, you get an assisted quiz-making experience. You can create quizzes for free using the QSM plugin.

How do you create a quiz landing page?

Quiz and Survey Master has various useful features to optimize your quiz. For a quiz landing page, it has a special addon called “Landing Page”. 
This add-on allows you to display your quiz on a landing page.

Can you make quizzes in WordPress?

Yes, you can create quizzes in WordPress with the help of a quiz maker plugin. One of the best quiz plugins for WordPress is the Quiz and Survey Master plugin.


We hope this blog has helped you in getting a better idea about the quiz landing page. A quiz is one of the best ways to market your products or services and generate more leads. Give a proper name and add unique content to the quiz landing page. Make an amazing CTA that leads your visitors to what they are supposed to do. 

Quiz and Survey Master is a leading WordPress quiz plugin that makes your process of making quizzes easy and simple. It has various amazing features to optimize and personalize your quiz. Quiz and Survey Master also have various add-ons to help you manage your quizzes. We recommend the QSM Pro Bundle as it is a bundle of various feature-rich add-ons. 

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