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Create Career Quiz: What Career is right for me quiz (5 simple steps)

At some point in our lives, we all have hunted for Career quizzes. What job is right for me? What profession would suit my personality? What should I do after graduation? All these questions pop up when you become uncertain about yourself.

Career choice quizzes have been a boon and bane in this situation. Sometimes you actually just have to reach an understanding between your interests and choices. And you could find it out by taking a career choices quiz. However, if you are looking to make a career test quiz for your WordPress blog or to boost your marketing, we are here to help you.

How to make a Career Quiz
How to make a Career Quiz

In this blog, we will talk about how can you create career test quizzes using QSM, the premium WordPress quiz plugin. Before creating quizzes, we need to understand what goes on backstage, meaning what is this quiz about and how can you optimize it for your WordPress website.

The quiz and survey master plugin is the best quiz-making plugin in today’s time. It helps to create quizzes that relate to your WordPress website, whether it is a food blog, wellness blog, or anime fans’ website.

What is a Career Quiz?

A career quiz is a tool for reflection, evaluation, and career management. Getting a job nowadays entails much more than schooling, graduation, and a 9-to-5 job. You will need a career quiz to help people figure out which career is best for them and where they need to grow.

A career or a job quiz looks at a person’s talents, expertise, interests, motivations, values, and personality qualities to help them find a job that suits them. These quizzes have already had a significant impact on the development of many people’s careers.

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What is a Career Quiz?
What is a Career Quiz?

A career test not only determines which steam is best for you but also allows you to have a better understanding of yourself. The questionnaire is designed to capture your abilities, personality, and aptitude, allowing you to have a better picture of who you are as a person and your strengths and shortcomings.

Importance of Career Quiz:

The most significant advantage of a career choice quiz is, of course, a better understanding of one’s job needs and options based on who one is, as well as the discovery of potential alternatives. It can assist you in creating a career roadmap.

A career quiz for students can assist them to figure out which alternative domains they could work in if they do not want to work in a specific one. As a result, a student always has the option to change fields if necessary.

It assists people in firms in determining if they are on the right track or not. It assists individuals in identifying their talents and weaknesses, as well as recommending the optimal work environment for them.

Related: 10+ WordPress Test Plugins

How to make a career quiz- Importance of Career Quiz
How to make a career quiz- Importance of Career Quiz

How to make a Career Quiz?

Creating career tests could be a fun task and also challenging one. Let us see how can you make a Career quiz using the QSM Plugin in five steps.

Step 1: Preparing the Quiz and Questionnaire

The first step involves the brainstorming and planning of the quiz. It is essential and unskippable. If you are making a career quiz and choosing questions, then you ought to create correlations between the options and career choices.

For example:
We have a question let’s say, “You are best at what of these activities?” and the options are as shown in the picture. Now either of the questions does not seem directly related to a career choice we know, even so, you could assign a particular tangential career to each option and similarly a related score number.

How to Create a career quiz- Career Quiz Questionnaire
How to Create a career quiz- Career Quiz Questionnaire

Career Quiz questionnaire:

  • You come across a little boy who is lost and wailing in the store. He is a three-year-old boy. What would you do in this situation?
  • At school, there is a rumor going around that you wet the bed. So, what exactly do you do?
  • This weekend, you are going to the campground. What is your occupation?
  • You are headed to a scientific and nature museum. What are you most looking forward to seeing?
  • You are bored out of your mind at home. What would you rather be doing if you weren’t working?
  • You’re undecided about a current circumstance that’s been bothering you for a long time. What would you do in this situation?

Related: Editing Quiz Questions

Step 2: Installing the QSM Plugin

Installing the QSM Plugin is comparatively easier than your WordPress website. As you can see in this video, all you have to do is search for the plugin in the plugins menu. Click on install and activate and you get the QSM Plugin.

How to make a Career Quiz- Installing the QSM Plugin

Related: QSM Quick Start guide

Step 3: Creating quiz on QSM

To create a quiz on QSM, you have to make sure of two important things, first, preparing a good questionnaire and second activation of the WordPress quiz plugin.

Once both are done, you are set to create a new quiz on QSM, you can do so by going to the QSM dashboard and clicking the option for “Create a New Quiz/Survey”

How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz
How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz

You would be shown a dialog box, that would ask you to choose from the wonderful themes of the QSM Plugin. I would suggest going for the Breeze theme as it is really soothing to the eye. Then you are required to enter the quiz name and choose the grading system of the quiz. Further, you can choose from the list of QSM add-ons that could be purchased in addon bundles or singly.

How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz
How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz

You can different types of questions and answers. We are working with image answers in the above question, you can go for text or rich answers as well. The rich answer option allows customizing the images and you can also add gifs to your quiz, to make it more fun.

How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz
How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz

As shown in the above, pictures we have different tabs. And each of them has a unique feature. For example, the options tab is used to customize small details of the quiz while the contact tab helps you add the contact info collection form. Similarly, the text tab can help you change the message displayed at different times of the Quiz.

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How to make a career quiz- Creating the Quiz

Step 4: Optimizing Results page

This step is really crucial while making a career quiz. This is because the concept of the quiz and the consequence depend upon the accuracy of the results pages. In this tab, you can optimize the various conditions.

Just like the other tabs, there is a results page tab as well. This allows you to optimize your result page(s). You can make the most of this tab by using the template variables.

For example: For someone who scores more than or equal to 60, the result page displays the career option for a teacher or an educator. Similarly, you can go on adding a variety of results pages and with different additional conditions.

How to make a career quiz- Results Page
How to make a career quiz- Results Page

Step 5: Publishing the Quiz

Once you are through with adding results page, questions, contact forms, and every other customization are made, you can preview your quiz for errors and bugs. The preview is the same as the quiz but it is not yet published.

How to create a career quiz- Publishing the Quiz

You can also link or embed your quiz in the WordPress post, to make it more accessible for the users reading your articles. All you have to do is:

  1. Copy the Quiz Embed link.
  2. Go to your WordPress post.
  3. Add a shortcode block in the post.
  4. Paste the Quiz Embed link

And this is how you can embed your quiz into a post. By this method, you will be able to see quizzes in line with the post to which you have added it.

Further, you can publish your post or quiz for people to access.

How to create a career quiz- Publishing the Quiz

Final Thoughts

Career quizzes for adults are gaining more and more popularity as the pandemic recedes. It is because the people are taking a double-take on their career choices and whether it serves their mental health or not.

Creating a career quiz using the QSM Plugin is really a cakewalk. The above simple steps make the process fun and untiring along with the best results. The QSM plugin understands that only making the quiz is not enough, therefore suitable options to market the quiz have also been incorporated while optimization of the results pages.

Further, you would have realized by now that no knowledge of coding is required while using the QSM Plugin. In fact, you do not even have to worry about setting themes of your career quizzes, QSM has it all covered. You can simply just add questions and publish the quiz. Amazing, isn’t it?

If you enjoyed reading this blog, you might like how to create a personality quiz and best appointment booking plugins 2022.

What’s New: QSM Pro Bundle

QSM always has something better for us in store. This year it brings you the bundle of joy, the QSM Pro Bundle of add-ons is here! The wait ends and the sale begins, you can purchase all the add-ons in one go, for a year or lifetime. Avail it at just $199 per annum and enjoy the following features:

  • Avail QSM on 10 sites
  • Reporting and Analysis addon
  • Export and Import addon
  • Email Marketing Integrations
  • Zapier Integration
  • Advanced Timer
  • Export Results
  • Google Sheet Connector
  • Save and Resume
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