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What is a Chronotype Quiz? How to Create an interesting Chronotype Quiz? (7 Minutes Read)

Are you a Night Owl or an Early Bird?

Don’t know? Let us understand by a Chronotype quiz!

The terms “early bird” and “night owl” are very popular among the millennials and now the Gen-Z. We must have taken the chronotype test, even without knowing, in some part of our lives.

Some of us can wake up early and start our day right away, filled with energy and productivity, while others function much better at night. This is simply due to the fact that our bodies and our daily schedules are all different from one another.

Let us study what the word Chronotype means and how can we make an excellent chronotype WordPress quiz, by using the QSM Plugin.

What is Chronotype?

Chronobiology is a branch of biology that investigates how living organisms adjust to solar and lunar cycles (basically, internally working clock-like systems).

As a result, a chronotype is a biological inclination to be a morning, evening, or somewhere in-between person.

It defines you as a morning or an evening person, but scientifically. Interesting right?

Now before you put on your Tinder bio that you are a Morning person or a Night owl, you should definitely get to know what is your chronotype. You can get to know what your chronotype is, by taking a chronotype quiz!

For instance, you are crippling to get out of bed for work in the morning but in the afternoon you are all charged up and give your best at work or school. However, your mom, on the other hand, finds it easier to wake up in the morning and she feels tired at the noon or sometime later.

This is simply because of differences in the chronotypes. Two different people of the same or different ages, genders, and work ethics can have completely different chronotypes.

What are 4 Different Chronotypes?

Before going further, did you ask yourself, how many types of chronotypes are there actually? Well, there are Four primary chronotypes, namely – Lion, Wolf, Dolphin, and Wolf.

Yes, these are named after names of animals, feel young yet? Let us read what each of the Chronotypes actually means and what does it mean to have to be either of the types.

1. Lion Chronotype

This chronotype can be summarised as “early to bed, early to wake.” The Lion chronotype prefers to get up early in the morning and is most productive between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. When lions can jump right into their day’s to-do list and get things done sooner rather than later, they’re at their best.

Lions fall slumber early, usually around 9 or 10 p.m., after concluding their day and winding down in the early evening.

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Lion Chronotype
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Lion Chronotype

2. Bear Chronotype

The Bear chronotype is the most frequently observed among all the types. It accounts for around 55% of the population. People with this intermediate chronotype are most active before noon, start to feel tired in the late afternoon, and start to wind down for sleep in the early evening.

Bears’ sleep-wake cycle is synchronized with the sun, therefore rising and setting with the sun is more natural for them.

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Bear Chronotype
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Bear Chronotype

3. Dolphin Chronotype

Dolphin is the most difficult chronotype to design a schedule around, as persons with this chronotype have a hard time finding a sleep plan that works for them.

The Dolphin chronotype is known for being highly clever, but also for being a high-strung, sensitive sleeper who is easily disturbed by noise or light.

The fragmented sleep habits of dolphins frequently overlap with insomnia symptoms, which may or may not be symptomatic of the illness.

There is, however, some good news for all Dolphins out there! People with this chronotype have a great productivity window: they get the most done between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every day.

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Dolphin Chronotype
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Dolphin Chronotype

4. Wolf Chronotype

We almost certainly all know someone who isn’t a morning person. The Wolf chronotype is probably present in these individuals.

The Wolf chronotype is most energetic when they wake up later in the day. They are most productive between the hours of midday and 4 p.m., and they also get energy spikes in the evening.

Personally, I am a Wolf chronotype. Working according to my body’s specific timetable makes getting everything done during the day much easier, especially if the day is particularly busy!

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Wolf Chronotype
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Wolf Chronotype

How To Make a Chronotype Quiz?

A chronotype quiz will help you to discover your chronotype. However, it might host some questions that might pose personal. These questions. anyways, will be able to track your lunar cycles.

It might seem a bit surprising how an online chronotype quiz can analyze how your productivity levels differ during the day and which time is the best for you to work!

Step 1: Chronotype Questionnaire

Now, it is almost clear that the chronotype quiz has a different type of question set. Before we make the quiz we need to understand all four chronotypes and make questions that cover up around the chronotypes as well as the habitual aspects.

Do not worry, we have got your back.

We have researched some of the best Chronotype quizzes and made a list of frequently appearing questions in a hierarchal order.

Chronotype questionnaire, you could use while making the quiz:

  • How do you identify yourself? (Man/Woman/Choose not to)
  • What is your age range?
  • Food is not a great deal to me. (True/False)
  • The slightest sound or light can keep me awake or wake me up. (True/False)
  • I usually get up earlier than my alarm rings. (True/False)
  • I do not get enough sleep at different places and planes, even with an eye mask and earplugs. (True/False)
  • Do you often feel irritable due to fatigue?
  • Do you worry inordinately about small details?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed by a doctor or self-diagnosed as an insomniac?
  • Were you anxious about your grades in school?
  • Do you lose sleep ruminating about what happened in the past and what might happen in the future?
  • Do you see yourself as a Perfectionist?

Step 2: Installing the QSM Plugin

To make an awesome Chronotype WordPress quiz, we sure need an awesome WordPress Quiz Plugin, QSM.

The quiz and survey master plugin is the best for making different types of quizzes like true-false quizzes, fill-in-the-blanks quizzes, and surveys as well! You can download the QSM plugin from the WordPress website directly.

You can also check out the Quick Start guide to Install QSM Plugin on your WordPress website.

quick start with qsm
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Installing the QSM Plugin

Or you can just simply click the button given below to find the QSM Plugin on the WordPress Website.

After you click the above button, you will be shown the QSM Plugin, and you need to click the Download button and simultaneously Activate it also to make use of the plugin.

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Installing the QSM Plugin
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Installing the QSM Plugin

Step 3: Creating a Chronotype Quiz

After you install and activate the Quiz and Survey Master Plugin, the next step is to create the quiz using the plugin. For that first of all, we will have to “create a new quiz.”

chronontype quiz
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Creating the Quiz

You can choose from the beautiful themes that are provided to us from the QSM Plugin itself. We have named the quiz- “What is my Chronotype?” quiz You can also avail of different add-ons and customize your plugin to make the most of it.

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Creating the Quiz

Now you can add your questions from the chronotype questionnaire.

Here you have to keep in mind the following pointers:

  1. The questions should be in the order of chronology.
  2. The questions should be optimized separately since there are different types of questions in a single quiz (like true-false, fill in the blanks)
  3. Questions can have image answers as well as Image descriptions to make the quiz even more fun
  4. The answers can be in the MCQ form, as it will be easier to document and collect the data this way. You can also give Multiple choices for a fill-in-the-blanks type answer too.
  5. In a chronotype quiz, you can put in both the correct/incorrect answer type and points-type both. This gives you an extra window to add more types of questions.
  6. For a true-false answer, you can give one of the options say +2 points, and the other option 0 points. This will make it easier for you to calculate.
  7. Similar algorithms could be followed for other question types as well.

When we are adding the questions we have to put the points carefully. In this “What is my chronotype?” quiz we have taken a specific score of points for the positive answer and zero points for the negative answer.

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Creating the Quiz

However, you should know that either of the options is correct. If a user does not reciprocate with the positive answer he/she will choose the negative one. We cannot judge the user’s choice, so both of them should be correct.

You can add a media description like we have done in the above question by adding a fun GIF.

You can put images to your answers as well as shown in the given question to make an image quiz!

a screenshot of a computer
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Creating the Quiz

Step 4: Results Page and Publishing

To make a successful chronotype test, we need to work on the results page carefully. When making the results page, we have to keep in mind all the different chronotypes and how to relate it with simple maths.

In this case, we have worked to provide four different results pages for four different chronotypes, with each of them showing different results!

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Setting up the Results Page

For instance, in the Lion chronotype, we have added the condition “equal to 25” Since there are 5 questions, the maximum number of points is 25.

While making the quiz, you need to follow a single-digit or numbered answer point, it will make your math very simple!

For a Lion Chronotype is early to bed and early to rise, he/she must coincide with every question in a positive answer. On the other hand, if there is a Dolphin chronotype, he/she have to get minimum points. This is how you can relate to the other chronotypes of Bear and Wolf as well.

a screenshot of a computer
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Setting up the Results Page

Once you set up all four of the results pages, you can run the quiz once to check if it is working properly or not.

If you want to embed the quiz in your WordPress post so that the users are able to take the quiz immediately after reading about chronotypes, you can also do that as shown in the image given below.

a screenshot
How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Setting up the Results Page

Once you are through with the proofreading of the quiz, you can simply publish it!

How to Create a Chronotype Quiz- Publishing the Quiz

Final Thoughts

A chronotype quiz is a very helpful tool for those who are not able to grasp hold of their sleep and work schedule. By taking up a chronotype quiz, you can get to know which category of circadian rhythm and optimize your productivity levels by simple lifestyle changes.

We created a Chronotype quiz using the QSM Plugin. As you must have observed that QSM has unmatchable features to make an interesting chronotype quiz.

This blog throws light on the benefits of having the QSM Plugin for your WordPress website, especially if you are a Sleep Doctor or productivity enthusiast!

What’s New: QSM Pro Bundle

It is a New Year meaning a completely new beginning for your WordPress quiz plugin, Quiz and Survey Master! Yes, the QSM Pro Bundle of Add-ons is finally here! We are also as excited as you are because it gives you all that you need for your WordPress website. It has over 30 add-ons to optimize your website and create quizzes like a Pro!

Some key highlights from the QSM Pro Bundle are:

  • Email Marketing Integrations
  • Zapier Integration
  • Advanced Timer
  •  Export Results feature
  •  Google Sheet Connector
  •  Save and Resume feature

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