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  4. Limiting Quiz Attempts per user (Limit Individual Attempts)

Limiting Quiz Attempts per user (Limit Individual Attempts)

There are times when you will want to limit the number of times a user can take the quiz. To set this up, begin by editing your quiz.

Limiting quiz attempts per user - QSM

Then, navigate to the Options tab. Change the “Limit Attempts” option – which means How many times can a user take this quiz to the number of times a user can take a quiz.

Limiting quiz attempts per user -Text Tab - QSM

Next, go to the Text tab.  Edit the “Message Displayed If User Has Tried Quiz Too Many Times” to change the text that is shown to the user who has already reached the maximum amount of times he or she could take the quiz.

Now, when a user tries to take the quiz more than the amounts of times you enabled, the user will see that message instead of the quiz.

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