7 Ultimate Benefits of Live Quiz Games for Teaching
Quiz games are fun to engage students, colleagues, and users. While driving to work, some quick general knowledge quizzes can help you learn. There are different styles of quizzes for teachers and these quizzes have been proven to be 85% more efficient than regular learning. In today’s blog, we will talk about some benefits of […]
What is a Chronotype Quiz? How to Create an interesting Chronotype Quiz? (7 Minutes Read)
Learn how to make a chronotype quiz using the Quiz and Survey Master Plugin in 4 simple steps! What is the meaning of Chronotype quiz & different Chronotypes?
How to Find out What WordPress Theme a Site Is Using?
Are you confused about whether that website which you recently visited is using WordPress or not? Well, that’s relatable. We’ll help you out. WordPress is a popular and free Content Management System. It is a platform that lets its users create, edit, archive, collaborate, report, publish, and distribute content. Various leading websites use WordPress as […]
The Most Popular and Best WordPress Themes of 2024 (Latest)
Finding the Best WordPress Themes is a daunting task to make things simple we’ve curated a list of the Top Rated Themes of 2022.
How to Create a Survey Form using Quiz and Survey Master in 5 steps?
Let us learn how to create a survey form using the Quiz and Survey Master plugin for WordPress! To make a survey form in WordPress you would need a WordPress Survey plugin. And the best choice for that could be the QSM plugin! A great WordPress survey plugin for building surveys, quizzes, polls, and other […]
Best Shopify SEO App to Boost Ranking in 2024 [Latest]
Here is the easiest way to generate Quality Organic Traffic to your Shopify Store and fix all underlying SEO issues hampering your store’s rankings using Shopify SEO App.
How to Promote an Online Course with a Quiz in 4 Steps!
In case you heard that if you promote an online course with a quiz, you can sky-rocket your traffic, then my friends, you have heard it right. To promote an online course with a quiz, you need just two things, one is, of course, your online course which you want to market, and the second […]
How to Boost Email Marketing Efforts Using Quiz and Survey Master?
Did you know that email marketing is one of the most effective ways of reaching prospective and existing customers? Here, in this blog, we will show you how you can boost your email marketing.
How to Create an Amazing Greek Mythology Quiz in WordPress? (4 Simple Steps)
With the help of a Greek Mythology Quiz, you can show your audience a glimpse of the past, and why it is considered important.
Create a True Bipolar Quiz in 4 Simple Steps!
How to make a bipolar quiz in 4 steps? (1) bipolar quiz questionnaire (2) creating a quiz on WordPress using QSM plugin (3) creating interactive result pages