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5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity

Surveys for Fundraising and Charity are the easiest to propagate but most challenging to make. It is because these surveys come may come across as blatant and needy if not designated correctly.

Therefore in this blog, we will go across different ways in which you can use surveys for fundraising and charity effectively. We would also learn how to create surveys for charities without being unabashed about facts and figures.

But before we leap into that, we would take a step back and find the core meaning of such surveys, discuss the charitable giving questionnaires, and set out a sample survey for charities.

Key highlights:

  1. What are Surveys for Fundraising and Charity?
  2. Why use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity?
  3. Type of questions to use in Charity Surveys
  4. How to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity Efficiently?
  5. FAQs

What are Surveys for Fundraising and Charity?

Surveys are an excellent tool for anyone who wants to better understand their donors and build stronger relationships with them. By asking the right questions and using donors’ responses to inform your communications, you demonstrate that you care about what they think and are looking for ways to involve them even more deeply in your work.

You don’t have to guess what motivates your donors to donate when you can ask them! Sending them a donor survey is an excellent way to learn more about the people who support your work. All you have to do is ask the right donor survey questions.

Why use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity?

5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity
5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity

Surveying your donors is the most effective way to understand your supporters, learn what motivates them to support your cause, and use that information to connect with them. Understanding what motivates your donors can help you tailor their interactions with your organization to their preferences.

Reasons to use surveys for Fundraising and Charity:

#1 Raising a Cause

It is highly possible that the majority of people do not know about the cause of your survey or charity. It goes without mentioning, that out of those people, at least a few would be kind enough to donate and bring about a change. Therefore, distributing a survey could gain more attention towards your cause, which goes a long way!

#2 Social Presence

People across the world are opting for surveys for the sole reason that it brings a societal presence for all those who are interested in social work and charity. Setting out a survey could mean your organization being recognized around the internet. Therefore it increases the followers for the cause.

#3 Connecting with Donors

Connecting with the Donors might be the most important reason why surveys are taken up. Surveys for charity assist you to acquire a dialogue between the donors and the receivers. This way you can also convey that their donations would be put to secure use and help in aiding the cause.

Type of Survey Questions to Use in Charity Surveys

#1 Donor Survey Questions

You can’t sit back and relax once you’ve found your donors and made a successful ask. Nonprofits are constantly challenged to keep donors donating. Donor acceptance rates in 2019 – 20 were 61% for returning donors and 20percent of its total for new donors.

5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity
5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity

Donor surveys can aid in the refinement of your outreach strategy and the development of long-term, profitable relationships. Request feedback from both new and returning donors.

Donor Survey Question examples:

  • How did you become aware of our organization?
  • Why did you decide to join our organization?
  • How well do you know our organization’s mission?
  • Which platform did you use to make your contribution to our organization?
  • How simple was it to make a donation to our organization?
  • How certain are you that your donations will be put to good use?
  • How likely are you to make another donation to our organization?
  • How would you like to be kept up to date on our fundraising efforts? Check all of the boxes that apply. (List your communication channels.)
  • How frequently would you like to hear from us?
  • How valued do you consider yourself as a donor?

#2 Renewal Donor Survey

When donors have stopped giving is another good time to survey them. Along with an update and an emotional appeal, ask them a few questions about their future involvement:

  • If/when…. I will renew my support.
  • What is most important to you when it comes to our organization’s goals?

This solicitation has several potential positive outcomes:

  • Former donors are reminded of the organization, moved by the appeal, and persuaded to give again.
  • They do not donate, but they do complete the survey, which provides you with useful information for tailoring your approach.
  • They offer both funds and solutions, giving you the best of all possible outcomes.

#3 Volunteer Survey

Make sure your volunteers feel appreciated. Their time is frequently the difference between failure and success, and you want to keep them coming back.

5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity
5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity

Volunteer Survey Question examples:

  • How convenient did you find our training sessions to attend?
  • How beneficial was your volunteer training?
  • How much of an impact do you believe your volunteer work had?
  • How valued did you feel as a volunteer for our organization?
  • How happy were you with your volunteering experience?
  • How likely are you to continue volunteering with us?
  • How many hours do you have to volunteer in a typical month?
  • Do you have any ideas for how we could improve our volunteer experience?

How to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity Efficiently?

Surveys for fundraising and charity can be tricky. We have devised for you some ways that can make your charity surveys more effective:

#1 Keep it simple

Using such surveys means you are going to deal with different types of people. You do not want your surveys to be long or monotonous which could bore the donors or volunteers. Instead keeping a relevant questionnaire could be the best way to go.

#2 Ask them about their preferences

Surveys are all about knowing your donors. You can easily abide by their regime and ask them about their preferences. This could include their preference for meetings, timings, donation gateways, or type of donation. This could help you improve your structure as well.

5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity
5 Efficient Ways to Use Surveys for Fundraising and Charity

#3 Make a Personal Connection

When you are asking for fundraising or charity, you must ensure that you sort out the cause of the charity clearly. You should be able to explain the cause through the survey, and at the same time, be able to acquire their attention for donations. This is possible if you create a personal connection between the needy and the donors, through your efforts.

Also Read: 15 Effective Ways to Collect Email Addresses for Your Online Business!

#4 Learn their Interests

Inquire about their involvement with other organizations and other causes to gain a better understanding of your supporters. Being aware of the various organizations that your donors support can also aid in the identification of potential partnerships. Collaboration with other organizations is an excellent way to demonstrate to your donors that you care about the missions they care about.

If you run a food bank and notice that many of your donors also contribute to a local organization that provides meals to students during school vacations, for example, you could collaborate with that organization to host a community fundraiser.

#5 Ask for Feedback

The primary reason that surveys came to be was to understand the feedback of the users for a particular product or a service. Similarly, keeping the essence intact, you must ask for feedback from your donors or volunteers while creating surveys for fundraising and charity.

When you inquire about your donors’ donation experiences, you can gain valuable insight into how you can improve their interactions with you. When you ask this question, you can learn so much!

Some people may find your donation form confusing, want different options (such as recurring giving or the ability to cover processing fees), or have difficulty accessing your donation page on their phones.

Also Read: Best plugins for Feedback and Data Collection


What should I ask in a donor survey?

Donor Survey Questions:
1. How did you become aware of our organization?
2. Why did you decide to join our organization?
3. How well do you know our organization’s mission?
4. Which platform did you use to make your contribution to our organization?
5. How simple was it to make a donation to our organization?

How to create donor surveys that improve your fundraising?

You can create donor surveys that improve your fundraising by these 5 ways:
#1 Keep it simple
#2 Ask them about their preferences
#3 Make a Personal Connection
#4 Learn their Interests
#5 Ask for Feedback

Final Thoughts

That’s a wrap! Using surveys for fundraising and charity can prove really fruitful in understanding the value proposition of donors, volunteers, and the end users’ cause.

With the help of the QSM Plugin, you can create surveys for fundraising and charity for your WordPress website. QSM allows you to completely customize these surveys according to the look and feel of your website.

You can use the QSM plugin for free and avail yourself of its eminent features to create effective quizzes and surveys. To enhance your surveys, you can use QSM themes and addons as well!

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