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Do WordPress Survey Plugins really work? Let’s Find Out

WordPress Survey Plugins

Have you ever wondered about what difference does WordPress Survey Plugins makes to your website? In this article, we have discussed some of the major observations that you will notice when using WordPress Survey Plugins on your website.

Surveys are an important source of collecting valuable information just like questionnaires. This information can be anything like student info collected by schools/institutions, Employee Info collected by an organization, Customer Info collected by the Company, etc.

Frequently, surveys are the preferred choice used for performing market research before launching a product/service for the intended audience. There are many types of surveys but we are going to discuss the most popular type that is – Online Surveys.

Surveys are critical for the development of the company or institution to obtain and act on the collected survey data. Feedback can be considered as the springboard to continuous improvements. So, it is a vital source of information and has the ability to make positive changes to your organization/business.

Features to Look for in a WordPress Survey Plugin

There are many features that are a must-have in WordPress Survey Plugins. Here, we are going to discuss some of the Best Features that you might want to have in a WordPress Survey Plugins.

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So, Regardless of the survey plugin, you decide to use here are some features to consider:

1. Overall Survey Form Design

The last thing you might want in a Survey is that it has no takers. You may want your survey to be accepted by the masses and for that, you need to implement a simple and easy survey design like a popup form, multi-page forms, etc.

Also, Keep in mind you need to make it super simple for users and visitors on your site to respond to the surveys. You can make use of various form designs and customize the survey’s appearance according to your website’s needs.

2. Better Survey Reporting

Survey Reporting means how the survey results will be displayed to the admin. You need to have a proper back-end set up to view the collected survey data. The data you’ve collected will only make sense when it is plotted in a graph or calculated in the form of percentages.

This will make it easy for you to understand and make quick decisions without any delay. The data must also be displayed in the form of a pie chart, bar graph, word count chart, or a Box Plot Chart.

So you can quickly glance at the analysis and understand which questions most users got wrong or answered poorly.

3. Easy To Use

The WordPress Survey Plugins you choose must be easy to use. Even the most advanced plugin won’t help you if it isn’t easy to use. So, before you make the purchase or download the plugin try to learn more about its usability.

You must be able to frame the survey according to your imagination and this can only be done if the WordPress Survey Plugin is easy to use.

4. Pricing

Pricing plays a key role in deciding which plugin to use. You will find various WordPress Survey Plugins that are price expensively but offer limited features. Whereas, some free survey plugins come loaded with amazing features.

Again, it totally depends on your requirement and budget. It always better to try the free ones first and then go for the premium plugins.

Also Read: Seven Benefits of WordPress Survey Plugins on Modern Business web sites

How Surveys can help your Business Grow and Improve SEO

#1 Surveys can help you earn Social Media Mentions, Shares, and Backlinks

You know how difficult it is to gain the user’s attention and make them answer a survey. But if you have built a quality survey with good questions then the user won’t shy away from answering your survey even if it costs him time.

You can even earn a Social Media Mention that would prove beneficial for your business visibility. Outbound links firm your website to other well-performing but relevant sites will help improve your reputation and add value to the readers. It is also useful for ranking purposes.

#2 Understand your audience

If you know the exact needs of the customer it becomes less difficult to work on the path towards creating a valuable product/service.

Google Page Rank has also seen a shift from simple keywords more towards search intent of the users this directly has an impact on ranking. So, in order to identify the intent behind search queries, you can have a look at your search query data in Google Search Console and then later analyze the content.

This will give you a deeper understanding of the expectations and motivation of your audience. With this, you can make sure the content you provide matches the search intent of your audience.

#3 Increase Engagement and Drive User Traffic

Surveys are an efficient way of increasing Engagement and drive quality user traffic to your website. Before you release the survey to the public you need to have the right promotional strategy in place to extract maximum value.

Try to tell a story through your data they are the ones that make your content more memorable. Make a list of potential assets that can be created through your research. It can be an infographic that you use as a cornerstone for the research and where the links point to.

#4 Use Survey for improving CTR and Brand Building

Though CTR (click-through rate) doesn’t directly affect ranking but only through personalized search based on previous queries. Unlike traditional CTR statistics ranking first for an unbranded search query doesn’t guarantee the click.

Users are most likely to click a familiar website, even if it ranks lower. So, String brands not only drive most of the sales but also dominate first page results.

Always keep in mind for reviews and testimonials you have to use open-ended questions and ask permission from the participants to use their quotes.

Quiz and Survey Master – WordPress Survey Plugins

7 Benefits of WordPress Survey Plugin on Modern Business Sites
Quiz and Survey Master – WordPress Survey Plugin

Checkout Quiz and Survey Master Plugin for Easy and Quiz Survey Creation. Quiz and Survey Master is a popular WordPress Survey Plugin that has 40000+ Active Installations and 850+ 5 Star Ratings.

Quiz and Survey Master consists of 15+ Question Types for Better Survey Setup. It consists of 100+ Customization Options and you can extend its functionality using Pro Addons.

Download Quiz and Survey Master Plugin | View Pro Addons Demo


These were some of our observations on the impact of WordPress Survey Plugins in your WordPress website. In this competitive market, the primary data you collect is considered a valuable asset that can boost your SEO.

Also Read: QSM the Best WordPress Assessment Plugin for creating Quality Assessment Tests [With Steps]

If everything goes well you can expect a significant rise in web traffic and satisfy your visitors with more valuable content.

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