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Use Easy Digital Downloads To Sell Your Quizzes

There are many times that you would want to sell access to your quiz. For example, you may have a certification exam that you want users to pay for prior to taking. You may have tried doing this with Quiz And Survey Master by creating the quiz and finding another plugin to possibly restrict access to the page. However, with our new addon, you can integrate directly with Easy Digital Downloads, a very popular eCommerce plugin.

Using Easy Digital Downloads, you can simply create a download that you wish to sell. For example, you can create a download called “Mechanics Certification Exam”. Then, using this addon, you will be able to create a quiz that only lets users who have purchased that download be able to take the quiz. You can also customize the text that is shown to the user if they have not purchased the download.

To learn more, be sure to view the easy digital downloads integration page.

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