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Example Certificate Quiz Settings

Have you ever wanted to offer a test or quiz certificate to your WordPress users? With this free addon, you can! With this addon, you can customize a title of your certificate, its message, a background, and a logo. Submit the example quiz below with a passing score to receive an example certificate created with this addon.

What is 2+2=? You must get this right to receive your certificate.

WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3]
SELECT quiz_id, question_id, answer_array, question_answer_info, question_type_new, question_settings FROM wp_8qa8l5kn8g_mlw_questions WHERE question_id IN ()

This addon will allow you to use a new variable %CERTIFICATE_LINK% to be used in your results pages and in your emails. You can apply some styling to your certificate’s message including underlines, bold, and italics.

All add-ons can be used indefinitely once purchased. Add-ons include 1 year of support and updates. View license terms. This add-on requires Quiz And Survey Master 4.6.0 or newer.

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